
Showing posts from January, 2013

2013 Update

Here's a little update: Jonas and Nadia are continuing to grow and learn. When they are not competing for toys and attention they can be quite charming. After seeing an old picture (right) Jonas asked: "where's my neck?" Jonas was 38lb at Christmas, is writing his name, small words, numbers and even doing simple arithmetic. Over the holidays and since he is often heard saying something in reference to "...when I was 3 years old..." as in: "that was my favorite - when I was 3 years old!" He is continuing indoor soccer, once again in skating lessons, mastering LeapPad (thanks Grandpa and Zeezee).  Nadia (28lb) after putting on a night gown for the first time:  "oh no! I forgot my pants!" She says "mines!" versus "mine!"  (usually fighting with Jonas over something). "I carry you!" versus "You carry me!" - funny when she's reaching for Mom or Dad at the same time. Refers to Simon cat as

Memories of Christmas/Winter Part II


Memories of Christmas/Winter Part I


After Jesus was born...